When I packed my family of 4 up for our first flight, it dawned on me that I was woefully unprepared for what we would do once we landed.
Let me explain.
I realized that I was missing an important part of our everyday lives by opting to fly, the gear for our kids in the car. I don’t just mean the stale goldfish and partially melted crayons.
Then I started to realize that once we got in our car that we were using while we were in town, we wouldn’t have any booster seats for the kids. My firefighter husband has drilled car seat safety into my head, so I really started wondering what option I had. I really really didn’t want to have to lug the bulky booster seats with us.
Until BubbleBum.
To be honest, given my husband’s profession I was sure that he would be skeptical at best of the BubbleBums. After all, they inflate and deflate. He checked them out and gave his seal of approval and into the carry-on bag they went.
You see, because of the unique design of the seat they fit easily into a piece of luggage all while providing the same amount of support and safety as a typical booster seat for your bigger kiddos.
After our flight, I packed the BubbleBums away thinking that the next time I would use them would be the next time that we flew. Man. I was dead wrong.
First, we got a car to test and review, so rather than taking my kiddo’s seats from my car into the car that we would have for a limited time, out came the BubbleBums.
Then, my car needed to go to the shop for some work and I had a loaner car for an extended period of time. Once again here came the BubbleBums.
Oh and surprise! My oldest made it to the Junior Olympics and we were using a car that wasn’t mine. Guess what? Here came the BubbleBums again.
As I am typing this? My car is once again back in the shop and you guessed it. My kiddos are using the BubbleBums, yet again.
My oldest has told me on more than one occasion that he thinks the BubbleBum is more comfortable than the booster seat that he is in the majority of the time.
The BubbleBum has truly become the little product that could for my household. We have used it way more than I ever thought we would.
For a look at all of the BubbleBum booster seats that Amazon offers, follow this link. By buying a product from this link, you are supporting this site and at no additional cost to you earning the site coffee money. 🙂
This product was provided for the purpose of this review. However, we love it as if we had purchased on our own.