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How to cancel cable and still watch the shows you love.

How to cancel cable and still watch the shows you love.

Likely by now, you have heard of someone canceling their cable and being happy about it.

If you are anything like I was before we took the plunge, it sounded like a good plan but it didn’t seem like something that would work for our family. After all, we had more channels that you could ever imagine and my husband seemed to always land on the most obscure shows on channels I hadn’t even heard of before.

So, how in the world was he still going to be happy in a situation where channels were seemingly much fewer?

As our cable bill steadily started rising month after month, the siren song of more channels quickly became less and less appealing.

How to cancel cable and still watch the shows you love.

You guys, our last cable bill was right around $180! Not to mention the fact that we were paying $9.99 per month for Netflix.

Getting rid of cable

Our agreement with the cable company had turned into a month to month contract, so we paid the last bill and cut the cord.

Armed with a Roku stick, a trial of SlingTV and our trusty Netflix subscription, we forged our new path.

It wasn’t so bad!

We quickly learned that our SlingTV trial wasn’t necessary, so we canceled before any fees incurred, however, when football season is in full swing again we may subscribe again so that we can watch our favorite football teams.

Netflix alone didn’t prove to be quite enough so we added a subscription to Hulu to the mix, costing $11.99 per month without commercials.

Adding an Antenna

Here is where I wasn’t totally satisfied. I still felt disconnected from what was going on around me locally. Not to mention that here in Kentucky, Spring storm season was starting to really ramp up, I found myself missing the local news, or at the very least have the option to watch the local news.

So, we did some research on antennas. To be honest, I had the old school rabbit ear antenna image stuck in my mind.

Enter the Leaf 50, it is an HDTV antenna, made of recycled materials and paper thin, it fits on the back of my entertainment center discretely out of the way.

Once installed (which took all of 5 minutes) the antenna connected us to all of our local channels. Just like that, we had found the magic combination that worked for our family.

Here is the breakdown of the cost savings:

Monthly Cable Bill:


Cableless Costs:

Netflix = 9.99 (monthly)
Hulu = $11.99 (monthly)
Leaf 50 = 69.99 (one time cost)

Monthly Savings:


Have you considered cutting the cable cord? What is stopping you?

How we saved $158 per month by cutting cable without missing our favorite shows.