If you have been reading any of our blogs lately, you know that recently went to Colorado. If you missed those posts you can read about our experiences here and here.
It had been awhile since my husband and I had gone anywhere sans kids, 7 years in fact and we were in search of affordable flights.
After a few weeks of research and scouring the interwebs for the best deal, I booked a flight on Frontier Airlines and spent $170 for BOTH of us round trip.
Frontier Airlines is the company that features animals on the tails of the plane. When you get settled, be sure to ask for a trading card featuring one of their signature animals.
I had heard stories about terrible delays and all around terrible service, so in the days leading up to our flight, I was a tad bit nervous. After all, I am not a fan of flying, I think it has something to do with the fact that I am a bit of a control freak and I don’t feel ‘in control’ while I am flying. But I digress.
I went into our flight with zero expectations, I had decided that I would be happy to get to point A to point B successfully. Perhaps, that is why our flight turned out so well.
What you need to know before you fly Frontier Airlines:
Baggage Details:
Prior to our flight, I added on baggage options. Frontier charges for carry-on bags as well as checked luggage.
Up to 24 hours before your flight, bags may be added to your trip costing much less than what you would pay at the counter. A carry-on bag will cost $30 and a checked bag is $25. Waiting for the day of your flight and checking at the counter is a bad idea, as a checked bag will cost you $60.
There is an old saying that goes “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” and this phrase rings true for Frontier as well. Snacks are available for purchase and water is the only thing that is offered for no charge. It wasn’t a big deal to me, my husband and I bought some drinks after we went through security and we were set.
No Frills:
There is absolutely nothing fancy about this plane, they don’t offer first class or upgrades and don’t even try to get your laptop to fit onto the tray table.
Want to pick your seat?
Then, you need to be prepared to pay. Picking seats is optional, but if you have a window seat or want to be in an emergency exit row, it will cost you more. If I was flying solo, I probably wouldn’t pay to pick my seat. However, if you are flying with your family (or someone that you want to sit next to) then I highly suggest picking your seat.
Why I will fly with Frontier again:
Both of our flights were on-time if not a few minutes early arriving at our destinations. The staff was friendly and helpful when we needed them to be. Neither my husband or I needed anything more than a seat on a plane. Which is exactly what we got. The price was easy on our wallet and we arrived safe and sound.
Tell me: Have you flown with Frontier before? What did you think of your experience?