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Packing Items we love!

Packing Items we love!

As you might have gathered by now, we travel a lot! Along the way we have found some products that make our lives so much easier.

Check out our list of packing items that we love!

Toothbrush Shields

51fkF10seqL._SX425_First up on our list are toothbrush shields made by IntelliDent. If your kids are anything like mine, they brush their teeth and then the tooth brush lands in the first spot they see. Mine do this all of the time, at home or on vacation. There is something about their toothbrushes on a hotel counter unprotected. There is no telling who or what was there before you!




Packing Cubes




Packing cubes are a huge thing lately! Some people love them (me!) some people don’t dig them (Terri). I like them because they help make packing pretty organized. Do you have family members taking several different types of medicine? Throw them in a packing cube! Going on a road trip and plan to stay overnight at a hotel before you arrive at your main destination? Put your pjs and the next day’s clothes in a packing cube, then you won’t need to lug in the entire suitcase.


Grab a collapsable bag to put into your suitcase.

Trust us, this extra bag will come in handy! I don’t know about you but I always end up coming back with so much more stuff than what I left my home with! This extra bag doesn’t have to be big, and you don’t even have to use it. If you do end up needing it, you will be glad that you threw it in your luggage!

Ziploc storage bags will be your best friend!

Almost everyone has had the unfortunate experience of opening their luggage to find a surprise spill of some sort. Put your shampoo and body wash in one of these and any spill will be minimized!
What do you use to help your packing go smoothly?