I have to level with you. Crafts are not my thing, but I don’t think that these classify as a craft so much.
I find that it is increasingly harder to find classroom Valentine’s day cards for my kiddos to pass out.
My boys are too cool (or so they think) for the traditional boxed Valentine’s day cards that you can buy in the store. And I am too cheap to keep buying them. Between the fact that the number of kids in class with my children always meant that I have to buy multiple boxes, not to mention there just wasn’t any particular theme that my kids were over the moon excited about.
I will say I am a stickler for making sure that everyone is included, especially in the older grades of elementary school. It can be a lonely world when you feel like you don’t have any friends. So my theory is it doesn’t hurt to give everyone a card.
But you didn’t come here for a therapy session now did you?
So, my solution is easy printable sheet of Valentine’s Day Cards that are perfect to handout for classroom Valentine’s parties.
Grab some decently heavy printer paper and pick your favorite design!
Click on the image below for a PDF version of the Valentine’s Day cards that you can download and print at home!