Does SEO feel like a foreign concept or something that is unattainable?
We can help!
Did you know that Allison’s day job is SEO for a marketing company?
She loves helping other bloggers reach their SEO goals. From teaching others how to execute SEO on their own to jumping in and doing the work for them, Allison can help.
6 Quick SEO Tips:
1. Before you even begin writing, do some research. Does the keyword make sense? Is the story something that you would read if you saw it pop up in your Facebook feed?
Having a handle on what you are writing seems so elementary but it is so very important.
2. You’ve likely heard it before but ‘fluffy stories’ aren’t cutting it anymore. There needs to be some real meat behind what you are writing. Google is actually devaluing posts that are lacking substance.
3. Are you using your focus keywords (or a variety of keywords) in h2 headings in your posts? If not, are you using headings at all? It makes a post easier to read and signals to google what you think is important in the post.
4. Make good use of ALT tags in photos!
5. Don’t live and die by the “green light” in Yoast. Changing capitalization of words can take the color from red to green in a snap, which isn’t a good indicator of SEO health of a post.
5. What do you do after you hit publish? Do you submit the URL to google to nudge the google bots along to start crawling your site? Do you only share one time?
6. (and possibly most importantly) How is the overall health of your site? Does it need a lot of back-end work on the structure?
Want to learn more about how she can help? Leave your email address and SEO needs below and she’ll get into contact with you!